⚙️Scene Settings

Scene Settings is where you can change the user camera and environmental parameters of your 3D Scene. It's the one-stop shop for making your scene look and feel exactly the way you envisioned.

Camera Controls

Here you can change the settings of the user camera that you use to navigate your scene.

  • Field of View — The zoom amount of the user camera.

  • Move Speed — How fast the user camera moves.

  • Move Damping — The weight or coasting of the camera as it moves.

HDRi Environment

Here you can toggle the HDR Environment as your background or pick a color instead and change different parameters that affect the background's visual appearance. We have many beautiful HDRi's built-in for you to use, courtesy of our friends at CGiB. If you need more HDRis they are the premium choice.

  • Background Type — Changes the background to either be a color or the selected HDRi.

  • Brightness — Adjust the brightness of the background.

  • Blur — Adjust the blur applied to the background.

  • Exposure — Adjust the intensity of the lighting and reflections from the HDRi.

  • HDRi Grid — Choose from a selection of HDR Images used to produce the lighting in the scene. You can also drag and drop your own HDR image onto Foveate. 2K resolution is recommended.


We provide many photorealistic grounds to help you get started. Mix and match them with the HDRi's to craft your perfect look.

  • Position — Adjust the XYZ position of the ground mesh.

  • Scale — Adjust the scale of the ground mesh.

  • Grounds Grid — Choose from a selection of ground meshes.


Here you can control the parameters of the Sun that produces the directional lighting and shadows in your scene. This casts light from a direction with parallel rays like the sun.

Dynamic Light

Toggle on or off the addition of a movable directional light.

  • Color — Adjust the color of the light.

  • Intensity — Adjust the intensity of the light.

  • Position — XYZ position of the light.

  • Target Position — XYZ position of the direction the light faces.

  • Cast Shadows — Toggle Shadows on or off. Turn this off to increase performance on low-end devices or on large scenes.

  • Shadow Radius — Adjust the blurriness of the Shadows.

  • Shadow Bias — Adjust Shadow offset.

  • Move Light — Enable the transform gizmo for the light so it can be moved in space.

  • Reset Light — Reset the Light position.

Hemisphere Light

Toggle this light on or off.

  • Sky Color — Adjust the color of the light coming from above.

  • Ground Color — Adjust the color of the light coming from below.

  • Intensity — Adjust the intensity of this lighting effect.


Post-Processing is the real-time Visual FX chain on top of your final image. Use these settings to art-direct your scene. Post-Processing is quite performance intensive so may not work at high frame rates on low-end devices. Think of it like a series of layers in Photoshop that happen on every frame as you move the camera.

Ambient Occlusion

This effect simulates soft shadows in between geometries in the scene.

  • Intensity — Adjust the color of the light coming from above.

  • Radius — Adjust the color of the light coming from above.

  • Falloff — Adjust the color of the light coming from above.

  • Color— Adjust the color of the light coming from above.


This effect creates a glowing light-bleed effect around bright objects.

  • Threshold — The luminance range for Bloom to start. Any pixels with a brightness over this number will have Bloom applied to them.

  • Intensity — The strength of the glow effect.

  • Radius — The size of the effect.

Depth of Field

This effect mimics the blur that happens with real camera lenses according to focus distance. Things out of the range of this focus distance will be out of focus.

  • Scale — The intensity of the blurring.

  • Focus Distance — At what distance are objects in focus.

  • Focal Length — The radius around the distance in focus.


This effect simulates the sunbeams that appear around objects in front of the sun due to haze in the air.

  • Position — Adjusts the position of the light source where godrays appear to be coming from.

  • Density — The cast size of the godrays.

  • Weight — The visual size of the light source

Chromatic Aberration

This effect simulates the color distortion that occurs with real-life camera lenses.

  • Amount — The intensity of the color offsetting.


This effect darkens the edges of your image to draw attention to the center of the screen.

  • Amount — The intensity of the edge darkening.

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