Where can I find HDRi's?
HDRi's are the files used for Image Based Lighting (IBL) which provide realistic lighting and reflections in real-time 3D experiences and apps. Foveate uses 2K HDRs for optimum loading speed.
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HDRi's are the files used for Image Based Lighting (IBL) which provide realistic lighting and reflections in real-time 3D experiences and apps. Foveate uses 2K HDRs for optimum loading speed.
Last updated
Foveate uses HDRi assets from CGI Backgrounds, which has the largest and best selection of HDRi and backplates taken at premium locations all over the world.
The top free resource library of models, HDRi's, and textures. Has a great Blender Addon.
A paid library of resources from Adobe's 3D arm, Substance.
A library of 3D assets very popular with Cinema4D and Motion Graphics artists in particular.
The library created by BlenderGuru, Andrew Price, has excellent integration with Blender.
A professional library of assets aimed at the CG and VFX community.